A simple game that tries to capture the movie trope of sending a squad of soldiers over to a dangerous place and hearing them get killed over radio.

This game is bare bones. But now it's public for any passerby to check it out.

Q/E mouse scroll to Zoom.

Left click: Open site  window. / Select environment in site window. / select aircraft. / Make camera move to point on map.

WASD: move camera around the map.

Right click: Move troops (with enough will) to hovered environment within same site. (costs will) / move selected aircraft to mouse pointer.

Middle mouse and Space Bar: Tactical Pause AKA "planning mode". Issue orders while the game world is paused.

Escape: Menu

Within the Site menu: Command buttons change what every allied troop in the SELECTED ENVIRONMENT do (areas within the site). 

"Patrol" Makes troops hunt for enemies in the environment.

"Scavange" Makes troops automatically pick up dropped items in the environment.

"LZ:extract" makes every troop retreat, when they finish retreating they will board any docked aircraft (up to craft's capacity) there. Play with the rest of the commands to see what they do.

"Relax" Makes troops recover will at the cost of not hunting down threats.

To move all troops in a selected environment to another within the same site, simply right click the environment you want them to go to. This costs willpower and some won't move without rest.

There is also list of every troop within that environment, although you generally won't need to interact troop by troop basis. You can swap weapons/items to the troop's dominant hand, clicking the dominant hand drops the item/weapon. If you click the head, the troop toggles between retreating or patrolling, allowing you to stop, or only have, certain people boarding aircraft.

Mind the fuel of your aircraft and be sure to refuel them at neutral sites. Aircrafts that stay idle near sites will dock at them. You can un-dock any aircraft from a site by clicking an already selected aircraft again from the site menu.

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